Monday, October 12, 2020

Hi! The page isn't really active anymore

I obviously haven't kept this page up to date.

I made a game called "Hidden in Plain Sight".  It started as a humble Xbox Live Indie Game and has grown far more popular that I ever dreamed possible.

You can currently find it on Steam, Xbox One (in the Creators Collection or whatever they call it), and Switch.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I just happened to come across your game and I have to say it was the most fun I've had in a long time for a few euros. Please keep at it and develop more games

  2. HAI! I bought your game recently! Had a lot of fun! Please add more players to play the game instead of a max of four. It would be pretty dope if like maybe 8-10 people could play! Thanks!

  3. This game is brilliantly conceived! My niece and nephew are here and everyone is laughing and screaming in rage. I call it “The Game That Tears Families Apart” LOL. So glad you updated it to Xbox One!

  4. My brothers and I have sunk so many hours into this game!
